Underground Hardcore Poll 20 – Powered by Oblivion – VOTE NOW


CAST YOUR VOTES NOW : oblivion-underground.com/poll20

As we were wondering how to mark the 10th edition of The Oblivion Show, we thought about doing a segment with the 20 best underground hardcore tracks of 2020.

Of course, we quickly came to the conclusion that we couldn’t arbitrarily decide ourselves and needed to do a poll within our scene.

Listening to our followers and peers, it sounded like it is something you all wanted too, as many feel that our chosen styles are not well represented (nor really fit) in the usual hardcore polls. This idea has now evolved into something we feel could be incredible. Something, well, OURS.
So, here it is : A poll by outliers, for outliers. Not about fame or fortune, but about passion and, most of all, fun!

This is the Underground Hardcore Poll 20 – Powered by Oblivion.

To achieve this project correctly, have taken the time to collate over 1200 tracks released in 2020, covering Industrial, Hardcore Techno, UK Hardcore, Crossbreed, Hardcore Drum & Bass, Terror and all the bits in between.
We tried our best to list all relevant labels and artists that fit this criteria, but if we missed your track, please get in touch and we will add it.

Now head over to the Oblivion Underground website and hunt down your 10 favourite tracks!
We would appreciate if you take the time to share this post or the poll link directly. Remember : Sharing is caring! ?

The 20 tracks with the most votes will be announced and played live during The Oblivion Show EP010 – UNDERGROUND HARDCORE POLL 20 ft. LENNY DEE.

And as always, thanks for your support guys!
Respect, The Oblivion Krew.

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